
To be a quality driven, customer focused leader in services delivery.

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To sustain market growth, while working towards superior customer service

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Our Promises

We deliver services based on Quality, not quantity, ensuring timely

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Mr. P. S. Khokhar

Welcome To Gyan Singh 79 Security Service Pvt. Ltd.

Gyan Singh 79 Security Service Pvt. Ltd. was found in 2014 under the Direction of Mr. P s Khokhar (EX Service Man) with the aim of satisfying need of business and individual enterprise. Since then, the company has mase tremendous progress in providing Security Service in industrial, commercial & domestic setting. Gyan singh 79 Security has made a resolution to callar to the entire Spectum of Security needs of list clients. Protection og lives & property is our Business. We have been doing it & doing it well we duly comply with the mandatory laws like

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Security Guard

We provide and manage well trained and proactive security personal to ensure our client’s premises remain functional, safe and operationally secure. Our Security Guards are well trained and properly equipped with the knowledge of job responsibilities. With G79 Security Guards you get the benefits of:

24X7 guard facility.
Regular patrolling facility.
Smartly dressed and physically active security personal.
Strict repotting structure.
Trained Female security professionals.
Available for residential, commercial and industrial, Events, parties etc.
Team coordination.
Trained security professionals for accessing the requirements.
Armed security professionals.

Our Clients